Cheers London, that was Pretty Awesome.

Who could ask for more than grey skies and a little drizzle? Not me, I was happy as a clam as we set up for the second installment of VW/VB 
in London.

The set up was at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park – a place representing free speech and new ideas for hundreds of years. Although instead of getting up on the traditional soapbox, I was asking people to do the speaking instead.

After initially getting moved by a couple of very nice and apologetic policemen, who then seemed to supervise the whole operation for some reason, we started chatting to the steady stream of people arriving at the park.

There was lots of intrigue again at my little set up, which turned into tentative conversation, which turned into chatting, which turned into people everywhere with white and black pens scribbling down colorful memories. So cool to see it all take shape again!

Responses were a little briefer than in NYC, probably because a lot of people were in a hurry to get somewhere – and it was drizzling, so
quite understandable.

The Tube and the weather came up a lot in people’s worsts. Although one guy met his wife on the Tube, which proved it can also bring some of the best bests. I especially loved hearing the local-isms, like “going for a stagger”, “spiffing” and “Muggles” peppered in. 

Super fun and interesting day. And one of only a few I was there, so I loved having the excuse to get to know a few people a little better through VW/VB. So thanks again to everyone who stopped by.

Big shout out to part of my generous family who gave up a couple of hours of their holiday to come down and chat to strangers in the rain with me! 

Oh, and where you see two different names on one VW/VB it was two friends who shared one. So cute. 

I'll post about the next location once I've figured out where that might be. 

In the meantime though, thanks for following, world.

