The Very Best Launch

Well, I kicked things off in Washington Square Park yesterday! 

The sun was shining so the park was bustling and there was a steady stream of people arriving all afternoon. We were set up next to a lady making giant bubbles that wafted past people as they pondered and wrote down their Very Worst & Very Best moment in NYC. 

There was a lot of intrigue about what we were up to. People responded really well to the idea and genuinely wanted to add their moments to the WORST and BEST jars, which was a great feeling after months of planning and imagining how it might go.

There was a lot of story telling and sharing between people sitting around filling in their moments. Everyone had their two stories and it was so nice to be able to give them the opportunity to tell them. After he added his, one little boy, of about 8, said thoughtfully "I've never thought about that before". That made me smile.

So thank you thank you thank you to everyone who stopped by and contributed! Without you there would be no VWs or VBs.

I was also blessed with the help and talent of some great people. Thanks so much to Brian for the branding, to my cousin Jess for her hands-on help all day (particularly that crazy start when we decided to wheel the cart to the park from my place - a true New York moment but one we decided to skip on the way home, thanks Uber), Luke for taking some great video that I'll be uploading soon, Donna for taking the awesome shots below and all my friends who popped past and others who hung out all day. It was rad. You guys rock!

Looking forward to doing it again in London!   

I'll be posting all the VWs & VBs very soon! 
