Very Worst & Very Best

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MELBOURNE. My Hometown. My People!

Of course I’ve been dreaming of doing a Melbourne VWVB since all this began.

Everyone back home has been super supportive of the project. People wanted to get involved from the get-go. Some friends and family even added their own “remote VWVBs” for NYC and London via Facebook, which I loved. So it was definitely time.

But being home is always a race against the clock because there’s so many people to catch up with and new babies to swoon over.

So with that in mind I downsized so I could set up on the fly. And instead of doing one big day I did a few shorter stints over different days.

And little by little friends, family and the odd passersby generously stopped and wrote their Very Worst & Very Best of wondrous Melbourne for me.

In the other cities I’ve mainly spoken to strangers. So it was humbling to learn new things about people I’ve known all of my life. Like a story from my cousin about her experience when our granny passed away. Or the story of a friend who stood up and announced his engagement to his wife on a packed tram on NYE 1999. I never knew!

And despite this ever increasing digital age, penmanship definitely improved with a little extra encouragement from me. Ha.

So, thanks Melbourne. That was awesome. Let’s make sure we do it again soon!